Mercury Turns Direct: Mind, Heart, Money and Magic

“When we are disconnected from the pulse of our heart, we forget that we are immortal magicians and we readily relinquish our wand and our power.” – Christine R. Page, 2012 and the Galactic Center

MercuryMercury the Messenger and Magician — planet of communication, transportation, and the mind — starts moving forward again today after being Retrograde since April 17. Today, as Mercury “stations” (appears to stand still in the sky before changing directions), we are getting an especially big dose of the Retrograde energy — feelings of slowness, stuckness, inability to move forward or think clearly or come up with the appropriate word in a timely manner.

Delays, misunderstandings, miscommunications, and technical glitches are possible — patience and a sense of humor are in order. More sensitive types, and especially those with Gemini and/or Virgo strong in their charts, have been feeling this energy for a day or two already.

Mercury has been in Taurus during this particular Retrograde, which means he’s spending an awful long time in the sign of the Bull — from April 2 to June 9. (Traveling closest to the Sun, Mercury is a speedy planet and typically only spends about 3 weeks in each sign.) The planetary ruler of Taurus is Venus, Goddess of Love, and Mercury in Taurus highlights the connection between mind and heart.

Mercury Retrograde has asked us to reconsider how we use our minds and hearts in relation to the Taurus themes of money, resources and the environment. Money is a big one right now for a lot of people, myself included. During these past few weeks, my money anxiety has been really “up,” which (although disturbing and annoying) has been helpful in getting me to reexamine my thoughts and beliefs, and to heal some old wounds around this issue.

The antidote to money anxiety is gratitude — which I tend to forget about while in the midst of money anxiety. Noticing and appreciating all the beauty, goodness and abundance in our lives, right now, brings us out of our minds and into our hearts.

Last week I got to participate in Mark Silver’s teleclass “3 AM Money Worry Attack” (as soon as I read the title I knew it was for me!). Mark has generously posted the recording and transcription of that class here.  What I love about Mark’s work — The Heart of Business — is that he always reminds me to come back to my heart, even and especially when dealing with money and business matters.

Mercury Retro is a favorable time for healing past issues, and completing old business. Right now, as the Retro influence is strong, and as the lunar cycle is coming to an end, is an especially good time for completions. What is no longer serving you? What are you holding onto that’s getting in the way of attracting and creating what you really want? Clean your slate before Thursday’s New Moon.

Awakening Magical Powers: “Subtle Activism”

In the bigger picture, I’ve been considering how to use my mind and heart effectively in relation to the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. As I wrote last week about Chiron entering Pisces, I believe that really feeling the pain of the event is important and healing — opening our hearts and feeling our connection to the Earth and all the beings directly affected by this toxic deluge. Yet I know that staying mired in negative, angry, blaming, victimy thoughts about it is not helpful.

Since writing about Uranus in Pisces approaches to the eco-catastrophe — applying energetic and spiritual technologies to support a positive outcome — I’ve come across some examples of people and organizations doing exactly that. I want to share these here in case you feel inspired to investigate and participate.

In his May 7 newsletter, David Spangler writes:

“[T]hose who are working to contain the oil spill in the Gulf are doing so under great pressure and are exposed to the anger being directed towards BP and those responsible for the oil spill. Holding those engineers and others in a calm, compassionate, loving presence can do much to support their ability to take wise and appropriate actions. Blaming them or focusing anxiety in their direction accomplishes nothing but to roil the subtle energies around them which can make their task harder.”

Spangler offers a free “Subtle Activism Kit” on his website.

Consciousness researcher and author Lynn McTaggart is inviting people to participate in holding the following intention as part of her weekly Intention Experiment:

“My intention is for the Deepwater Horizon’s oil leak to be immediately and successfully contained with no damage to the environment.”

While the invitation is to virtually gather at a specific time to hold the intention, I think it can’t hurt for all of us to send this intention as often as we like, including it in our daily prayers or meditation.

The Global Coherence Initiative has chosen the Gulf of Mexico as their current “care focus:”

“From the heart, visualize the Gulf region, land and sea, as vibrant and thriving – and feel as if the highest-best outcome for all has already taken place.”

As they say on their site, “When unconditional love is the outgoing energy, all benefit in the process. It’s the physics of it.”

And finally, I loved coming across this article about Carl Fuermann, a Boulder resident who is calling on people around the world to use meditation to stop the flow of oil. “The basic concept is to try and get as many people to visualize that the valve is actually functioning and is working and closing,” said Fuermann.

The Taurus New Moon, this Thursday at 6:04pm (Pacific Time), is a powerful time to hold thoughts and intentions for the highest possible outcome in this situation.

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1 Response to Mercury Turns Direct: Mind, Heart, Money and Magic

  1. Gibran Hakim says:

    We MUST always pray for the Highest Goal. Meanwhile I am placing the finishing touches on my own magical speciality: the multiplication of wealth. I am not at liberty to explain very much but it involves debt waging at the casino. Collecting debt and gambling it at the casino. Also paying people in debt, for instance someone who is hired to improve things will get a starting salary of -$100,000.
    :)! ♥!

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